The origin of the Hellenes
The present study constitutes an ethnological research in which the origin factor is also examined. Usually, ethnology abstains from racial issues because, on the one hand, these issues, are not adequately studied, systematized, and popularized, and on the other hand, because these issues are not compatible with current political correctness. However, ethnology without a racial inquiry can never be complete, since a nation is “a race that possesses consciousness”. Indeed, ethnology in our days has become too shallow, and a result it is confused with ethnography.
Ethnography examines and describes the intellectual and cultural manifestations and peculiarities of a nation, such as manners and customs, art, clothing etc. It differs from folklore in so far as its breath is concerned. Folklore examines the above elements in somewhat limited places such as a village or a geographic area.
Ethnology, if it is to maintain its reputation, must dare to examine the nation in its totality, as an entity in space and time. Ethnography is just a branch of ethnology. The later, though, is a composite science, one that is based not only on ethnographic elements, but also on historic, archaeological, linguistic and anthropological elements. Anthropological elements are basically the physical characteristics of a race that are examined by “anthropography” (to borrow the term coined by professor I. Koumaris), without disregarding, though, the systematized psychical racial features. Without these elements ethnological inquiries-especially in the field of ethnogenetics-are narrow and possibly imprecise.
Anthropographical elements unlike other ethnological data cannot be altered over time. They are stubborn. They verify or reject this or that origin in such a way that does not allow for any doubt. Under certain historical conditions, all the other elements of ethnology (ethnographical, linguistic etc.) can emigrate. The anthropographical elements, however, cannot emigrate. They always accompany every nation. As Rice states “the skulls are harder than the consonants and the vowels”. Thus, ethnologists should begin to educate themselves about anthropographical data.
The European Races
It would be worthwhile to present first some basic elements of racial anthropology, so that the reader can understand the relevant principles which are referred to later in the book. It is about some necessary anthropological and psychological concepts of ethnology presented in a concise and easily understood manner. The understanding of these concepts would enable the reader to distinguish the European stock from the other stocks, but most importantly to differentiate the several races that exist among the European stock, races which in various combinations created the nations of the continent.
In anthropology, the European stock is called Europidic or White or Aryan. I avoid the term “Caucasic” because, on the one hand, it has not proved that the European race originated in the Caucasus, and on the other hand, because I do not want to cause a confusion with the Caucasian race which belongs to the White stock.
The European stock is characterized by thin and delicate bones, white skin, orthognathism, large cranial capacity, leptorrhinic (high, thin noses), thin lips, considerable facial and body hair growth, and straight or wavy hair.
-The Mongoloid or Yellow: characterized by facial flatness with pronounced zygomatics, eyes slanted and not deep with a strong epicanthic fold, straight dark hair, sparse body hair and beard, pale ivory skin, and a broad nasal root.
-Negroid: characterized by small cranial capacity, black tightly curled hair, platyrrhiny (broad flat noses), thick lips, black skin, hair and eyes, thick bones, profatnism, and thin legs.
-Australian: characterized by small cranial capacity, profatnism, dolichocrany, thick bones, opisthometopy (inclined, retreating forehead), broad face, wavy and curly hair and brown skin.
-Choisanid: characterized by tightly curled hair, small cranial capacity, platyrrhiny (broad flat nose), slanted eyes with thick epicanthic fold, brown-yellow skin, triangular face, and in women exoteric genital organs, and a great deposit of fat in the hips.
-American Indians (partly originating from the Mongoloid): It differs from the Mongoloid stock in skin color, which is brown-yellow(cooper-brown); also the eyes are not slanted with a strong epicanthic fold, and the blood type which dominates is not type B but type O.
-Indian or Weddid: This race will be examined in a separate chapter. Generally, the Indian race differs from the White race (from whom it originates) mainly in its mesorrhiny, the longer length of the legs, dark skin and several blood characteristics.
In order to distinguish and classify the races of the White stock we have to use other than the above-mentioned traits, which are common to all European nations. The selected characteristics of the European nations should be primary, that is, to show the differentiation of the nations, but they should also be diachronically stable. Thus, for instance, the known breadth/length cranial index (B/L), although the most well known characteristic is an insecure feature because cranial breath increases with time. Based on this B/L index, the skulls are distinguished to short, medium and long. An examination in plain view of the skull determines if it is round (brachycephaly) or oblong (dolichocephalism).
On the contrary, one of the most stable racial characteristics is the height/length cranial index (H/L), because, as Lundman insists both the height and length of the skull are features which remain almost unchanged over time.
Thus, for H/L indexes less than 73, we have chamaicrany, for 73-76 indexes orthocrany, and for greater than 76 indexes, hypsicrany.
The disadvantage of this H/L index is that cranial height measurement can only be taken on skulls of non-living persons. The measurement is conducted from basion to bregma (ba-b). The Finish anthropologist, G. Kavaya, argues that the measurement should also be conducted on living people from the middle of the tragic (at the ear) up to the top of the head, but this measurement is not comparable with the cranial height measurement. Unfortunately the anthropological measurement of the contemporary European people has been conducted only on the living population, and not on skeletons that would allow researchers to draw parallels with paleoanthropologic measurements.
Another important diachronically stable racial characteristic is the so-called morphological facial index. This is the quotient of the morphological height (MH), (from the root of the nose to the jaw) by the facial breadth (FB) (counted in the zygomatics). With indexes less than 84 we have europrosophy; with indexes 84-88, we have mesoprosophy; and with indexes greater than 88, leptoprosophy.
Because the lower jawbone and teeth do not usually exist in ancient skulls, paleoanthropologists measure the so-called upper facial height or facial height (FH) from the nasion to prosthion. Thus, in the skulls there is the so-called facial index (quotient of facial height by the breadth of the zygomatics) in which europrosopy corresponds approximately to indexes lesser than 51, mesoprosopy to indexes 51-53, and leptoprosopy to indexes greater than 53.
Indexes alone, however, are not enough for racial comparison, given the fact that the indexes are quotients. Also the absolute length and height of the skulls as well as the breadth and height of the face are of great importance-since the quotient, for example, of two lesser sizes could be equal to the quotient of two greater.
To make the comparison the breadth of the zygomatics between a living face and an old skull, 12-15 mm should be abstracted from the first. Also by the cranial length, 7mm should be abstracted.
Some other stable racial characteristics are: the dimensions of the nose and the nasal index (quotient of breadth/height of the nose); the flatness of the face, that is, its horizontal profile; the extent of hair growth; the nature of the hair (straight or wavy), and the physique.
On the contrary, anthropology does not consider very reliable the characteristics of hair and eye color, but later on, through a mutation, a discoloration took place in some of these races (somewhere between 7000 and 4000 BC).
Anthropological instruments. How the facial length and face width were measured by using anthropological instruments.
Bearing all these basic principles in mind, we can proceed to a general view of the diversification that exists within the White stock. I stress, that I am talking about anthropological races and not about nations or people. The nations and people of Europe originated from the fusion of usually more than one race, I am referring to historical races. The anthropological races that I will present here have therefore some particular appellation unknown to non-specialists. However, without the knowledge of the anthropological races and their races cannot be comprehended.
Thus, at first we discern three stocks: The Periactic, the Continental and the Caucasic. The Periactic stock was spread to all European coasts, from Scandinavia to the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, to the Mediterranean coasts and the European coasts of the Black Sea. This stock is distinguished by its large cranial length (with a tendency toward dolichocrany and chamaicrany), small facial breadth (leptoprosopy), and by its marked horizontal facial profile that forms an acute angle. This stock also expanded from the Middle East up to India. From the Periactic stock three branches arose: the Northern or Nordic, the Mediterranean, and the East-Mediterranean (Oriental).
It is noteworthy to add, though, that paleontologically speaking a common ancestor of the Periactic stock cannot be traced. It seems that a part of this Periactic stock, the Nordics, was cut off in northern Europe 70,000 years ago, when the last phase of the Ice Age began. These three stocks (Periactic, Continental and Caucasic) were probably formed before the genesis of humanity, and their ancestors must be traced to pre-human stock (Neanderthals). This is most certain in the case of the White stock. After the appearance of the Homo Sapiens, there was not any other common ancestor of all Europeans. The phenomenon of the polygenesis of the races is not only a universal one, but also a European one. Thus, despite the apparent relationship of the European races, their genetic differences are considerable.
The Caucasic stock (or Taurian), having the Caucasus as a geographic centre, is divided into two branches: the Armenoid race, which extends to the Near East, and the Dinaric which extends to the North Balkans and to part of Central Europe. The Caucasic stock is generally characterized by hypsicrany (short lengths and big cranial heights), and a long, usually hooked nose
The Continental stock extends through all central continental Europe, from the west (France) to the east (Ukraine), going further to the White Sea. The general characteristics of this stock are euryprosopy (small height and large facial breadth) and a round skull (with brachycrany and orthocrany). This stock has been divided into smaller races, of which the most important are the Alpine in Western Europe, the Baltic in Central Europe, and the Eastern European in Eastern Europe. Bunak does not seem to believe that the Eastern Europeans originate from Euryprosopic population that resided in Russia during the Neolithic period (facial index about 50), because of the same europrosopy also in Western Europe (in Steinheim the zygomatic breadth was 145, in Combe Capelle 142, in Oberkassel 143, in Brunn 148). This Europrosopy, however, proves the whole range of the maternal “Continental” race, which in Northern Russia, though, had an ancient Mongoloid admixture, as we will discuss later.
Nordic, Mediterranean and Dinaric types
Because many anthropologists believe that the Lapps are the purest (unmingled) representatives of this race they also call this race Lapanoid. The Lapps have a morphological height of only 114mm. Some other anthropologists call it Cromagnoid, since the Alpines are characterized not only by europrosopy, but also by chamaiprosopy (like the pre-humans Cromagnons). The lower face means a low position of the eye-holes (orbital) and as a consequence a large forehead. This is in fact the look of the Alpine, which have a relatively big forehead because of orthocrany, and a low position of the eyes and whole face. Cromagnoid is also the so-called Faelisch race that was detected by the paleontologist Coon in Southern Denmark, and can still be found there today mixed with Nordics.
Therefore, the main races today in Europe could be considered the Nordic, the Mediterranean, the Dinaric, the Alpine, and the Baltic (a variation of this is the Eastern-European). In the Near East there are still the Armenoid and the Oriental. The most basic characteristics of the European races (cranial height and length, facial breadth and height, nasal length and height) make the differentiation obvious.
The Northern or Nordic race is mainly characterized by the following:
1. The longest cranial length (about 190 mm) and very small cranial height (about 131), it is the most chamaicranic race.
2. A great morphological height (exceeding 126 mm) and the smallest facial breadth in Europe (about 139 mm on living), it is the most leptoprosopic race (with a morphological index of about 91).
3. A high leptorrhinic, t.i. long and narrow noise, (on living people, an index of about 60). The nasal index is the quotient of the highest nasal breadth by the nasal height (measured from the selion). With indexes bigger than 85, we have platyrrhiny, mesorrhiny with indexes 70-85, leptorrhiny with indexes 60-70, and hyper-leptorrhinic with indexes lower than 60. On the skulls the greatest breadth of the aperture piriformis is divided by the height (between nasion and nasospinale). The nasal indexes of the skulls do not correspond of course to the nasal indexes of living people).
4. A great somatic height.
5. Light eyes, skin, and hair color.
6. A weak body and facial hair growth, and straight thin hair.
The Mediterranean race is characterized by:
Chamaicrany, closer to the limits of orthocrany (index H/L 72-74).
Mesoprosopy, also close to the limits of leptoprosopy (index 86-89).
A medium somatic height, but the most slightly-build in Europe and the world.
Leptorrhiny (nasal indexes on living people 65-67 and on skulls 47-48,5).
Deep eye colors and hair (from brown to black).
Excessive facial hair growth and straight or wavy hair.
The basic characteristics of the Dinaric race are:
With the highest cranial height in Europe (about 139 mm) and small length (about 176), it becomes the only hypsicranic race of the European continent (index about 78).
The highest facial dimensions in Europe, with mesoprosopic, though, morphological index. We can see here that the morphological index would be inadequate to show the differentiation between the Dinaric and the Mediterranean races, since both have indexes around 87.
Excessive brachycephaly – due to the small length of the head-the biggest in Europe. The combination of a broad skull and narrow jaw creates a triangular face.
A long and often hooked nose, with very small nasal indexes, about 59 in living people (but more than 48 in skulls), that is, to the limits of hyper-leptorrhiny.
Occipital flatness (that is, the flatness of the backside of the skull), often with a protruding ears.
Great somatic height.
Alpine and Baltic types
Meyers Blitz-Lexikon (Leipzig, 1932) shows German war hero Karl von Müller as an example of the Nordic type .
Hans F. K. Günther (1891–1968), prominent German racial theorist who helped to popularise Nordicism in his country.
The Armenoid or Near-Asian race extends to Asia Minor and all Near East. It is characterized by:
Excessive hypsicrany (the biggest in the world), with cranial length of 175 only and height of more than 138mm.
Mesoprosopy, with facial dimensions, though, smaller than the Dinaric.
The highest nasal dimensions (in living people), with open nostrils. Hooked nose. The nasal index on skulls is only 47.
Excessive facial and head hair growth, usually with curly hair.
Small physical build, particularly small feet.
The Alpine is to the great extent intermingled with other races in Western Europe; therefore, its characteristics in pure form are bit precarious. However, the characteristics of the Alpine race should be the following:
Orthocrany, with medium cranial length and breadth. Brachycephaly but without occipital flatness.
Europrosopy (morphological index about 83), due mainly to its small facial height.
Short nasal height, with nasal index of about 65 (on skeletons 50).
Compact body (medium stature, broad chest, thick bones).
Excessive hair growth (bald-headed people are rare).
Brown hair and light eye color.
The Baltic race resembles, of course, its relative race, the Alpine, but it has:
Smaller cranial dimensions (but again with an orthocranic index)
A thinner nose (nasal cranial index 49), with a concave profile.
Light hair and eyes (particularly the iris of this race is considered the bluest of Europe).
Weaker face, and head hair growth.
Generally, the Periactic stock (Nordic and Mediterranean) combines dolichocephaly with leptoprosopy, while the Continental (Alpine and Baltic) combines brachycephaly with euryprosopy. Thus, if we exclude the Dinaric race (which entered Europe in later years), we ascertain the linkage of, on the one hand, the long skull with long face and on the other, of a round skull with a round face. Thus the aesthetic appreciation that the Europeans have for the combination of these characteristics is understandable. Indeed, Haddon had first discerned these combinations, which he called harmonic, compared to other combinations, such as europrosopy – dolichocrany of Eskimos or leptoprosopy-brachycephaly of Dinarics, which he called disharmonic.
Over time there were some slight developments in the main characteristics of the European races, as well as various interbreeding. Every nation considers as an ideal beauty his or her typical racial physiognomy. As Plutarch notes the Armenoid Persians considered the hooked nose beautiful.
Recently, according to the new research on DNA we have verified that human races do indeed differ genetically-even though some politicians claim the opposite. The “THO1” DNA-index, which Stanford University has studied, is now a new tool, since it offers proof of genetic differentiation between the people of Europe.
Spiritual Characteristics
In order to conclude this general description of the European races, I need to say a few words about their psychic characteristics, since it is known that racial differentiation extends not only to physical characteristics, but also to psychic ones. As Plato notes, “no two persons are born exactly alike, but each differ from each in natural endowments”; thus, in communities there is a perspective differentiation of characters and morals. I will touch upon a few elements from the field of racial psychology.
Whatever relationship has been noted between Nordics and Mediterraneans in the physical sector. I have touched upon the same point where I wrote about Constitutional psychology. The German psychologist H. Burkhard also mentions that, “the morphological similarities between the Northern and the Mediterranean race are clearly proved”. He also points out that both races are characterized by intellectualism and by an excessive consciousness of the ego, which breeds an excessive individualism and an intense sense of property. According to Burkhard, the consciousness of the ego is more powerful in the Nordic race, a fact which in turn causes internal isolation and independence, a high degree of introversion and endurance to loneliness. This trait gives the Nordic “the talent of the explorer, who goes into unknown places”, as Mc Duggal notes. This talent is also intensified by his technical skills. Lenz also attributes the technical inclination of the Nordic to his well-developed optical perception and to his ability to perceive the space and movement. According to Burkhardt, “the Nordic lives in an intense conflict between the internal and the external world, the subject and the object”. Thus, Burkhardt continues, “from this nucleus of personality, the thought and the will of the Nordic, springs out of the external world that he tries to shape in accordance with his internal picture. The dynamic course of this manifestation is perceived by the distance between the ego and the external world”.
The Nordic, with his intense intellectualism, is distinguished by his great caution, contemplation and his methodical nature. Thus, he has a talent for the physical and technical sciences.
This strict attachment of the Nordic, though, to his ego results in a series of disadvantageous. “When he finds himself in a place in which he does not known if his relations are controlled and certified, he always feels alienated and restrained. Nordic cannot adapt easily to the environment. He is also characterized by a rigid obstinacy, the famous German “Sturheit”. On the other hand, Burkhardt insists that the Nordic “distrusts the feelings and pains which spring out from the deep impersonal psychic strata of his psyche or of the psyche of the others”. About this indifference of the Nordic toward his fellow human beings, Burkhardt notes that “generally identification with his fellow human beings is of little importance to the psychic life of the Nordic. Any fellow human being with whom he does not have any particular internal link is of little significance to him in compassion to what nature means for him”.
Furthermore, the Nordic “is at disadvantage as far as his verbal expression is concerned, and he is particularly weak in thought processes other than reason, to the purely conceptual and dialectic, [while] feelings of magic and ecstasy are usually alien to him”. Thus, the Nordic lacks psychic uplifts, artistic feelings and cannot go beyond natural philosophy. He lives more with logic and less with experiences.
On the contrary, the Mediterranean race expresses his intellectuality not so much in method and organization, but in his very high intelligence. Having also a stronger awareness of ego than the Nordic, the Mediterranean does not juxtapose his Ego to the environment, but tries with his intelligence to achieve a compromise. “One notable difference between the Nordic and the Mediterranean is that the latter’s inclination is toward grace and agility. The awareness of his Ego is quite strong and intense, but it is conceived as a shape that can be easily changed and adapted harmoniously to the environment. With grace and simplicity he takes positions analogous to the given circumstances. One basic characteristic of this race is its quick perception combined with spontaneity (a combination of sensori-motori). It is worth remembering the speeches made by the Roman senator recorded in the Oxyrhynchus Papyri about the Greeks: Non-aligned, rebellious, arbitrary, but truthfully free is the Ego of the Hellenes. Thanks to that, their relation with the universe, with things, and with people does not grown stale, but is fresh and new, and everything thanks to this Ego, is presented as new, first-revealed to their psyche…This hypertrophy of their personality has its good side; its bad side is called egocentricity. The good side is creative in philosophy, poetry, the arts, sciences and even in trade and war. From this positive side of egocentricity springs all the glory of the Hellenes”.
Egocentricity, however, constitutes the negative aspect of the Mediterranean temperament, an aspect that is fully described by the same papyri: “Egocentricity takes away the Hellene’s ability to be fair. He is his fellow human being. The passion of egoism prevents him from dealing with another, to collaborate with him. Because of the lack of solidarity in Hellenic societies, all common attempts are thwarted. The action of the Hellenes is destroyed in individual attempts which very often clash and eliminate each other”.
According to the German psychologist E. Jens, people are divided into two categories, the fulfilled and the unfulfilled. The former, having the Mediterranean as representatives, have all their psychic faculties in joint; therefore, their personality is whole and in close relation to the environment. The later, with the Nordics as typical representatives, have their psychic faculties out of joint, and a weak connection with their psychic faculties is disproportionate. Thus, according to Jens, the energy of the Nordics is best directed to the service of specific purposes. As Burckhardt notes, the races which aspire towards the ideal “have a specific wealth of hereditary traits, acute flexibility and do not live only within the limits of narrow specified environment”. The advantage of the Mediterranean in this are is obvious. That is why, the Nordic, with his lack of adaptability to his environment and with his slow reactions, is characterized by the Mediterranean as “dullfrank”. For the Western Celts (a mixture then of the Nordics and the Alpics) Strabo notes that, “very arrogant they are and foolish” and “they can be handled easily by those who want to infringe them”.
As I have already indicated about constitutional psychology, the Mediterranean race possesses a spiritual equilibrium. Aristotle noted, “the Hellenic nation is characterized by both sensibility and intellectuality”. The Mediterranean race is also superior to the Nordic one in the conception of abstract ideas and in the richness of feelings, which is one reason why the Mediterranean race was always the pioneer in spirit and fine arts in Europe. But it certainly has a disadvantage its lack of social co-operation and solidarity.
According to the psychologist Burkhardt, the Alpine race is characterized by a weak and superficial awareness of the ego which stays, in a way, constantly to the phase of trials and reactions. Thus, the Alpine type aims easily towards approach and mistrust at the same time. The Alpine type is extroverted and cyclothymic, adapting and manipulating its environment to the best of his interest.
The so-called Faelic type is found in northwestern Germany and is far stouter than the Nordic, does not form a branch of this race, but is a mixed Alpine-Nordic. This type, according to Burkhardt, corresponds to Kretchmer’s ‘athletic type’, and is the most athletic of the Nordics, but not a distinct race. L.F.Clauss, however, pointing out a serious psychic distinction between the Nordic and the Faelic race-notes an ‘antithesis’-that indicates a racial differentiation. As it is shown the constitutional psychology, the mixed type of Northern-Alpine is indeed very athletic (Mesomorphy 4,84) with excessive energy (daring, resistance to pain, extroversion). Burkhardt moreover accepts that “usually in the Northern populations a compact participation is presented”, and that “in such Faelic people with compact characteristics, the happy side of their being is usually far more developed”. The happy side, though, means gluttony which is not a Nordic characteristic.
Racial admixture is often discovered with psychological or psychiatric traits. Germany, for example, has a different racial composition-as we shall see later on- by area. Waehler has indicated such an admixture in Thüringen, Sieber in Sachsen, etc. Furthermore, Lundman notes that in Northern Germany schizophrenia is far more common, while in Southern Germany mania-depression psychosis is common. It is well known that the former disease is characteristic of the Nordic race, while the latter of the Alpine.
Burkhardt notes of the Baltic race that “in spite of its light colors, it differs completely from the Nordic race”. Psychically speaking it resembles its relative Alpine race. Its insecure self-awareness pushes it to the admixture of all limits and shapes, while it is characterized by resistance to pain and suffering and by its ability to learn.
Finally, the Dinaric race resembles somewhat the Nordic from the psychic point of view, while it is the exact opposite of the Mediterranean in that it aims toward some kind of stiffness and fanaticism and is distinguished by the seriousness of its expression and outlook. Burkhardt writes that, “a Dinaric trait can be considered a somewhat psychic hardness that has something cruel and wild in it”, and he adds, that “while the Mediterranean race is characterized by a certain refinement, tact, we could attribute to the Dinaric mentality an inclination to cruelty”.
Dimitrios Karabatis( 1899 – 1964) Olympic champion
Hellenes from Crete. They still look like their forbears.
Today in Hellas we can meet people who look like Socrates, Homer and other ancients.
Sarakatsanoi from Olympos, Pieria
Sarakatsanos from Thrace
At the fall of Constantinople, the Sarakatsans wore black clothes as a sign of mourning and did not submit to the conqueror. The Sarakatsanoi descended from pre-Neolithic indigenous nomadic pastoralists, citing linguistic evidence and certain aspects of their traditional culture and socioeconomic organisation. Based on linguistics, genetics, material culture, suggests that the Sarakatsani are descended from the Dorians who were isolated for centuries in the mountains.
Antamoma (gathering) of Saraktsani from Farsala
An article from the book in Greek language of Aris Ν. Poulianos, 1993,
Sarakatsani – The most Ancient People of Europe, the nomadic shepherds of continental Greece are mainly located along the ranges of the Pindos massif. Epirus, Thessaly, Macedonia and Thrace are the provinces in which they are most numerous. Sarakatsani communities are also found further in the north, i.e. Bulgaria, Turkey, Albania and Yugoslavia. They are Greek-speaking wherever they live and, neither phonetically, nor in terms of grammatical structure, there are any traces of foreign elements in their dialect.
Greek and foreign ethnographers say that the Sarakatsani pastoral way of life, social organization, and art show forth certain prototypical elements of Greek culture, while their decorative art has similarities to those of the “Geometric” style of pre-classical Greece. They also believe the Sarakatsani must always have lived in more or less the same conditions and areas as we find them today and they are an isolate group.
Sarakatsani , as studies have shown, that the Epirotic type is much older on European soil, than the Mediterranean one. The Epirotic type described above is met, besides the Pindos massif among the Epirotes of NW Greece. The same type is met in Montenegro and in Ukraine. It is not confined only to the Dinaric Alps, but extended to the west at least as far as Pyrinnes. It is a real epirotic (e.g. continental). The Palaeolithic Europeans could not vanish without a trace. Their descendants became the Epirotics, and the most representative group of them, the nucleus so to speak of the Epirotic type, is the Sarakatsani isolates.
The Epirotics have persisted in their special geographical regions, and they are met in a more “compacted” form amongst the Sarakatsani of Pindos and Balkan mountains areas, despite other changes of a more clearly phyletic evolutionary nature. Thus the antiquity of the Sarakatsani type is, at the least extent indirectly established.
Sarakatsani are nothing more or less than a local Middle Palaeolithic survival, or, perhaps a reemergence. Being an ecological isolated group, they represent a local specialization, in which selection may have played a part, as well as possibly other factors associated with life in a mountainous area. Looking into the historical past of races in our continent, the Sarakatsani may be considered the most ancient population of Europe.
Faces from the traditional village Olympos in island Karpathos Dodecanese. The locals kept the Dorian dialect and the traditional customs of the women and the last matriarchal society in Europe.
Photos from other parts of Greece
The Olympic flame is lit at Olympia
Lundman B. Geographische Anthropologie, 1967
Δημόπουλος Δ. Εισαγωγή στην Βιοπολιτική (An Introduction to Biopolitics), 1997
Burkhardt H. Rassenpsychologie in “Neue Anthropologie”, 4/1979
Fischer H.G. Ziele und Einsatz der rassenseelenkundlichen Forschung in Rasse, 9/1942
The text is from the book of Demetrios Demopoulos "The Origin of the Hellenes". 2005, Eleftheri Skepsis.